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moral law 【哲學】道德律。

moral majority

Immediately it explores the reason of the blemish from three ways including traditional administration culture , unilateral cognition in human nature and the regulation of morals growing in order to further demonstrate the necessity of administration ethics by rule of law , using the method of the substantial evidence analysis . the fourth part retrospects the development of administration morals law in the ancient chinese , the development origin and development with present condition of administration moral system in the united states , the method of administration moral legalization of hong kong 第一,說明了道德與法律的辯誣關系和協同性功能,行政道德建設要超越法制化的局限而進行法治化的建設,及法治化建設也需要制度建設,提出了旨在保障行政相對人及社會公眾基本權利的行政法制,本身就具有一種行政道德性;而恰恰是這種包含公平與正義等觀念的行政道德建設,也必然地要變為一種法治的觀點。

The present considerations are also intended to give direction to catholic politicians by indicating the approaches to proposed legislation in this area which would be consistent with christian conscience . since this question relates to the natural moral law , the arguments that follow are addressed not only to those who believe in christ , but to all persons committed to promoting and defending the common good of society 本文也為指導從政的公教信徒,給他們指出在面對有關法律提案時,合乎基督徒良知的應有態度。 2由于這問題與自然道德律有關,以下的論點不僅是針對信仰基督的人而說,而且也包括所有致力促進和維護社會公益的人士。

The present considerations are also intended to give direction to catholic politicians by indicating the approaches to proposed legislation in this area which would be consistent with christian conscience . ( 2 ) since this question relates to the natural moral law , the arguments that follow are addressed not only to those who believe in christ , but to all persons committed to promoting and defending the common good of society 本文也為指導從政的公教信徒,給他們指出在面對有關法律提案時,合乎基督徒良知的應有態度。 ( 2 )由于這問題與自然道德律有關,以下的論點不僅是針對信仰基督的人而說,而且也包括所有致力促進和維護社會公益的人士。

How to adopt the sound system to guarantee the cadres troops morals development , the article puts forward a few suggestions : strengthening revering the laws consciousness ; the contents of the “ standard “ or “ provision “ should be given a clear and definite with a specific category , considering the whole of the morals laws with the system ; reinforcing checking and supervision execute of institution 并就如何通過健全制度來保證干部隊伍道德建設,提出了幾條建議,主要包括增強遵從法律法規意識; “準則”或“規定”的內容范疇要明確具體;要注意道德法規的整體性和系統性;加強對制度執行情況的監督檢查等。

The pope ' s call for a recovery of the basic elements of a vision of the relationship between the civil law and the moral law is rooted in his sense that legal attacks on life flow from an ethical relativism pervading much of contemporary culture 教皇對私法與道德律之間關系的基本因素之恢復的倡導根源于他的這樣一種認識,即對生命的侵害源自彌漫于大部分當代文化中的倫理相對主義。

Two things fill the mind with ever new , and increasing admiration and awe , the more often and steadily we reflect upon them : the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me 有兩樣東西,愈是經常和持久地思考它們,對它們日久彌新和不斷增長之魅力以及崇敬之情就愈加充實著心靈:我頭頂的星空,和我心中的道德律。

They at least do prove that christians had used terms like “ natural law “ to refer to that moral law which god had established in the universe and that operated among all men , christian or pagan 至少他們的確證明了基督徒用過像自然律這樣的名詞代表神在宇宙中所建立的、運行在所有基督徒與非基督徒當中的道德律。

God gave us the moral law to remind us that our worship is sacred , that my body is sacred , that my words are sacred , that my time is sacred , that the property i own is sacred 神賜給我們道德律例,就是為提醒我們崇拜的神圣,我的身體的圣潔的,我的言語是圣潔的,我的時間是圣潔的,我所擁有的財產是圣潔的。

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe , the oftener and the more steadily we reflect on them : the starry heavens above and the moral law within 有兩種東西,我們愈時常、愈反復加以思維,它們就給人心灌注了時時在翻新、有加無已的贊嘆和敬畏:頭上的星空和內心的道德法則。

He had grown to man s estate and was now aging , in ignorance of the flesh , in the humble observance of rigid devotional practices and in obedience to a rule of life full of precepts and moral laws 他長大了,變老了,還沒有領受過肉體的快感,他的信條是屈從嚴厲的教規,在生活中,按照教訓和教律行事。

This objective moral law serves fundamentally to articulate essential values that flow from the very truth of human being and that express and safeguard the dignity of every human person 這一客觀的道德律從根本上服務于明確的不可或缺的價值? ?它源自于人類的真正的真理,并表現和保護每一個人的尊嚴。

People ' s respect for moral law is redefined by kant as moral feeling , which causes moral intent to obey but is definitely not the foundation of moral rules 康德將面對道德律所產生的“敬重”重新界定為“道德情感” ,它所產生的道德意向促使遵守道德法則,但絕不是建立道德法則的基礎。

Men of all cultures could discern this “ law “ through the use of their human reason , although the bible presented god ' s full revelation of the perfect moral law 任何一個文化的人都可以透過他們的理性來認識這個律,盡管圣經所呈現的是神對完美的道德律的全部啟示。

The moral law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler , so that they will follow him regardless of their lives , undismayed by any danger 政治,是講要使民眾和君主的意愿一致,可以叫他們為君主死,為君主生,而赴湯蹈火。

The objective moral law ? the natural law written on every human heart ? must serve as the obligatory point of reference for civil law itself 客觀的道德律? ?書寫于每個人心靈上的自然法? ?必須擔當起私法自身義務的參考點。

God revealed to moses a moral law that heaven requires from planet earth , and today it is more necessary than ever 整本舊約都是神藉著人發出啟示, ?向摩西啟示,天上指示地上的道德律法。

The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal 反律法主義認為道德準則在意義上和實踐上都是相對的,并不是固定的和普遍適用的

Implementing the moral law - making in the media realm is a valid approach to the media ethics problems 在傳媒領域實施道德“立法” ,是消解傳媒倫理問題的一條有效路徑。

Faith points to a moral law beyond man ' s law and calls us to duties higher than material gain 信仰指出,在人類的法律之外還有一個道德法律,在物質之外還有更高的責任。